Roaming before our Camino…

These past 6 days roaming before our Camino have been a whirlwind of long flights, train and bus rides, curvy roads, sightseeing, eating, and sleepless jet-lagged nights.  

Madrid was fantastic. We are planning to come back and stay several additional days here once the Camino is complete. Our hostel was in a great location, close to sites and quaint outdoor dining. We stumbled upon the Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace, and Casa de Campo Park in the center of town. This large park is reminiscent of New York City’s Central Park with many locals taking leisurely strolls, rowboat rides and even family picnics.  As we made our way back to our hostel for dinner, we walked past a church just as a wedding was letting out and saw the guests throw confetti at the bride and groom.  

We had dinner at the hostel for the small price of 12€ per person.  This included a salad, fish with potatoes, and dessert. The best part, they served bottomless sangria or beer included in the price!  We will stay here again when we return to Madrid.  

We took a 4-hour train ride from Madrid to Pamplona to catch the only bus to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (SJPP), France. Navigating the huge station was chaotic. We continue to work to overcome the language barrier and are very thankful for Google Translate. We really started to feel like Camino pilgrims once we boarded the bus from Pamplona to SJPP.  After everyone loaded their backpacks under the bus and took their seats, you could feel the excitement as all conversations were Camino related.  The ride itself showed us what we are in for as we went up and over the Pyrenees mountains to get to our destination.  We decided to spend an extra night in SJPP and check out the town before heading out for our Camino.  The view from high above the town at the citadel was incredible. The Basque traditions, music and culture is vibrant throughout SJPP. 

Tomorrow, we hit the trail.  Please send energy our way.  We are going to need it.

9 Replies to “Roaming before our Camino…”

  1. SO excited for you and can’t wait to hear all your stories!!! What’s the story with the shells?

  2. Wow! Im loving your pics and commentary!
    Also glad you are not just rushing off from SJPP , like most others, but enjoying the town! Buen Camino!!

  3. I have family in the Basque Country. SJPP aka Donibane is very popular for tourists and Monday market for locals.

  4. OH MY GOSH! I am so excited for you! Now the “Buen Camino”s start with a vengeance…and they don’t stop until you leave Spain! Tomorrow will be AMAZING. I’ll be thinking of you and feeling tingly! Love you guys – B U E N C A M I N O !!!

  5. Will definitely keep you in our thoughts and prayers. So much respect for your determination.
    Can’t wait to continue my virtual hike!!
    Good luck and love.

  6. Awesome great start. Will be nice to see those shells on the beach)) Have a blast look forward to following your adventures.

  7. Enjoy, this will be a life changing experiencing for you both. I am excited to read your blogs along the way.

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