Living a nomadic lifestyle requires flexibility and the willingness to change plans at the last minute. Many times, you find where you will rest your head only a day or two before your head hits the pillow. 

We were scheduled to relocate from Argentina to Peru to visit Machu Picchu and the Amazon. These magnificent places have been on our bucket list for years, and we were finally going to experience them. Then political instability reared its ugly head. 

We have been keeping our finger on the pulse of the issues in Peru for the past two weeks. Since it all started, our tour supplier already sent two groups on the same trip with no issues. We were hopeful tensions would die down and all would be fine. 

Unfortunately, only yesterday, it was announced many areas in Peru would start striking TODAY! We were due to fly into Peru to begin our journey at oh-dark-thirty TODAY. Oh crap! And just like that, the mad scramble began. We couldn’t risk our safety or be stuck somewhere without necessary provisions created by transportation issues and road closures. So, we needed a new plan and fast. 

After a quick brainstorming session with our incredible supplier, we had a plan, and Peru was out! To make it work, we would still need to connect through Lima, Peru, but it would only be a short layover, and then we would be out of Peru. 

Our new plan kept most of our wish list intact but forces us to postpone Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley. We’re extremely disappointed, but our safety is our number one priority in everything we do. This strike could end up being a peaceful one, but when driven by political discontent, there is a possibility things could escalate quickly, and we aren’t willing to take that chance. Machu Picchu has been there for thousands of years. It will still be there when we make it back to Peru someday. 

As firm believers that everything happens for a reason, we know this last-minute revision to our trip will be amazing. 

So, stick around and roam with us as we discover what Ecuador has to offer!

3 Replies to “PIVOT!”

  1. Wouldn’t know where to begin like you so know I do what Mama’s do. I will always pray for your safety and God’s provision for you. I’m so proud of you both and love seeing the world thru your eyes. Fly my little eagles!

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