Days 58 & 59 Boente to Lavacolla (36,23 km / 22.52 miles) 

Day 58 – Nov 2,  2022 – Boente to Salceda (19,45 km / 12.09 miles)

Oh boy, did we ever screw up today. The less than 20 km route turned into 23.  The address for our hostal in our confirmation directed us incorrectly off the Camino and to different Hostal altogether, one THAT WAS CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. Once we figured it out and rerouted Google Maps, we had to walk an additional 2 km to the correct place – 100% of it on pavement. Our feet are absolutely hating us right now. I thought technology was supposed to help us? 

Day 59 – Nov 3,  2022 – Salceda to Labacolla (16,78 km / 10.43 miles)

We are so close now…we will post a video tomorrow!