11 Replies to “Day 44 – Oct 19,  2022 –  Rabanal del Camino to El Acebo (18,59 km / 11.5 miles) ”

    1. Thank you. It will be fun to go back and revisit our posts once we’ve completed our hike. Thanks for reading and commenting. We’re glad you’re coming along for the ride!

  1. So wry happy for you both! What a goal to a achieve! Brought tears to my eyes. You both are such Rock Stars! Hugs and Love 💕

  2. Wow from me, too!! So sorry about forgetting your pack (betcha don’t do THAT again!) and the rain and sleet and wrong albergue BUT…. The Cruz de Ferro!! Your beautiful rock!! Great pic of the Cruz!
    AND you made it to your destination! Yay!

  3. FANTASTIC day! Look what you’ve proven to yourselves! And an excellent remedy to muscle through the last steps: BOURBON. Love thinking of you warm and dry and resting…no better feeling in the world! “WE DID IT.”

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