Argentina – Buenos Aires – Tango and Cooking Class

We combined the art of dance and cooking into one tonight. The evening started with a tango lesson. Our instructor (Analia Vega) was incredible. We have taken dance lessons before, but in all the other classes, the instructors simply taught us steps to memorize. Here she engaged feelings and body agreement which with practice will allow us to sense and anticipate each other’s movements. Those of you who dance understand. Steps are easy, but being able to trust and make up steps with a partnership is key. We won’t be dancing in a milonga any time soon, but we all have to start somewhere.  

We ended the evening with a traditional Argentinian cooking class.   We made a three course meal of beef empanadas, Argentine ribeye with chimichurri and roasted rosemary potatoes and finished with a boozy dulce de leche ice cream. It was the best meal we’ve had so far in Argentina and now we know how to make it again once we get home. Anyone willing being our Guinea pig to practice on?

After spending time cooking with our host, we are looking forward to the comfort of our kitchen again. The apartment we are staying in has very limited resources for cooking and we’ve had to “McGuyver” a few meals since we’ve been here. We’ve done pretty well, but we’re looking forward to sharp knives again. 

Recipe: Easy boozy ice cream

  • 1 part cold whipping cream
  • 1 part dulce de leche
  • 1/2 part Bacardi (Blanca or Silver) 
  • Grated dark chocolate to top


  • Beat the cold cream to soft peaks
  • Add dulce de leche and rum and beat back to soft peaks
  • Pour into small glasses and freeze for at least 2 hours
  • Top with grated chocolate and serve

If you try the recipe, please let us know what you thought of it.

Our stay in Argentina is coming to an end. We will be flying out on Wednesday. Stay tuned for where we’re heading next in a future post.

Happy New Year!