Days 48-51 Valtuille de Arriba to Triacastela (55,42 km)

Day 48 – Oct 23,  2022 – Valtuille de Arriba to Trabadelo (14,25 km / 8.85 miles)

Day 49 – Oct 24,  2022 – Trabadelo to La Herrerías (10,37 km / 6.44 miles)

Day 50 – Oct 25,  2022 – La Herrerías to Liñares (11,14 km / 6.92 miles)

Huge climb up to O’Cebreiro today in the rain and wind.  Watch the video for all the fun. 

Day 51 – Oct 26,  2022 – Liñares to Triacastela (19,66 km / 12.21 miles)

Today was our longest walk since before our break and we did well. We’d be lying if we said our feet aren’t hurting, but we have no new blisters or injuries. We are now less than 140km to Santiago!  Woohoo!  We walked the majority of the day with a lovely couple we shared a table with at breakfast from Australia (Jenny & Peter). The conversation made the walk fly by. 

Thanks for reading, watching and providing moral support of our journey.  

4 Replies to “Days 48-51 Valtuille de Arriba to Triacastela (55,42 km)”

  1. Oh my gosh…favorite series of posts so far! I cried when you panned around the view to O’Cebreiro…breathtaking. The hill after the descent was hilarious…and then the drowned cat 🤣. Loving the whole story. And my favorite photos: that house with the doll in the upstairs widow: SAW THAT. REMEMBER IT. CREEPY. And photo-of-the-year goes to the pilgrims reading in bed on their phones after lights out. True art!

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