Day 43 – Oct 18, 2022 –  Santa Catalina de Somoza to Rabanal del Camino (11,4 km / 7.08 miles)

Oh great, I woke up in the middle of the night with food poisoning. It made for quite a walk today.  

The video references “Leave No Trace” click here for the 7 principles

4 Replies to “Day 43 – Oct 18, 2022 –  Santa Catalina de Somoza to Rabanal del Camino (11,4 km / 7.08 miles)”

  1. Well…. hmmmm….kinda a “Shitz Creek Day”!
    You guys looked like you were feeling better by the end if it!! The Cruz tomorrow!! Sooo excited for you!!

  2. So glad to hear your illness was quick. Miserable. Yuk. And that TP thing angers me too.
    I really envy you from here on out. It’s my favorite part of the Camino. Beautiful and challenging and spiritual….maybe because you really do know what you’re doing and you are in better shape and you’re more than 2/3 through. You are DOING IT. Wow. Look what you’ve overcome. Amazing. And you both LOOK WONDERFUL. Camino glow?

  3. I think you missed your calling as a comedian Kara! All joking aside, it’s awful you were sick when you had to walk 11km. I hope you are on the mend and tomorrow is a less shitty day!!! Xoxo Norah

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