Day 15 – Sept 20, 2022 – Navarrete to Nájera (16.03 km) 

Today started out as a great day.  Our feet felt the best they’d been in a long time.  Learning our lesson from the day before, we had gone to the grocery store last night and purchased 2nd breakfast and lunch, so we were stocked with food and ready to go. 

I developed another blister. This time on the pinky toe of my right foot the other day. We’ve taken to calling her Babette. After Rex performed another  blisterectomy she quieted down. She doesn’t call too much attention to herself, so we just carry on in silence. 

About halfway through our 16+ km day, I felt a sharp stinging pain on the tender underside of my left arm. Son of a bitch, I just got stung by a bee! You’ve got to be kidding me!  As the pain in my arm radiated, swelled and turned red, Rex got into his med kit and gave me a Benadryl as a precaution. I am not allergic to bees. But since we didn’t actually see what it was and there was no stinger left behind, we thought it prudent to treat early rather than chase a possible reaction.  My arm hurt like hell, but the upside was I didn’t notice my feet hurting anymore!

About 30 minutes later, the Benadryl kicked in.  Oh boy. I believe I sleepwalked the rest of the way into town. 

One Reply to “Day 15 – Sept 20, 2022 – Navarrete to Nájera (16.03 km) ”

  1. Again, exactly the stage we chose….so many choices of places to stop, and I get giddy when you have chosen a village we chose!

    Absolute bummer about the damned hornet/bee/wasp/whatever. Rex is a great paramedic and now you have another good story to tell.

    We got caught on the Meseta a couple of times without enough/the right food. My one stubborn mindset is “Why don’t these businesses cater to pilgrim schedules? There are so MANY of us!” But that is such an (ugly?) American mindset. I finally accepted that this is part of what the Camino does: It humbles us.

    Loving your journey. You are so generous with your posts!!

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