Day 4 – Sept 9, 2022 – Zubiri to La Trinidad de Arre

After back-to-back long days on the trail, it hurts to walk slow, it hurts walk fast, it hurts to stop, it hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, and it hurts to lay down!

More Camino Magic occurred today at about 10 km. As we entered into a wooded area, a Spanish gentleman was there with a box of fruit and drinks. We chatted for a few moments, he asked where we were from, we bought two bananas and a bottle of water and went on our way. A kilometer or so later, a woman’s voice shouts from behind us, “hey, are you the folks from Indiana?” The fruit and water guy had talked to them too and said he just met some Americans from Indiana. We walked with the American couple (who were from Virginia) for several kilometers which helped the time pass more quickly.

Our hostel didn’t offer dinner, so we found a restaurant (thanks to a recommendation from some new friends) serving a pilgrim’s meal and we had to check it out. We received an appetizer, salad or soup, main course with side, dessert, and your choice of a bottle of water, glass of beer or wine…all for 9€ per person. Damn…you can’t get a decent glass of wine in the states for $9. The second glass was only 2€. The best part of the meal (second to the wine of course), was the dessert. We were served whisky ice cream cake because they had run out of canned peaches, which is what we would have been served. More Camino magic!

Great end to today. Looking forward to resting at our next stop in Pamplona.

5 Replies to “Day 4 – Sept 9, 2022 – Zubiri to La Trinidad de Arre”

  1. Sorry it was such a rough day! You can make it! The wound shall heal. Keep moving! More Motley Crue!

  2. So the catch in your voice in the first part of the video nearly did me in! Then, trying to explain to hubby (and show him some of your pictures) why ‘just stop walking and get a cab to the next town’ is not a viable option made me laugh so hard I DID cry. Thanks for the roller coaster!

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